Leading Edge Medical Services Inc. (LEMS) is a professional industrial medical services company which specializes in pre-hospital care. LEMS believes in bringing the same quality and level of care to companies requiring on site services as one would receive when dialling 911. LEMS works closely with our clients and tailors our services to meet the needs of each project and company. LEMS can provide 4 levels of care in Alberta: Emergency Medical Responders (EMR), Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) also known as Primary Care Paramedics (PCPs), Paramedics (EMT-P) also known as Advanced Care Paramedics (ACPs) and Registered Nurses (RNs). LEMS can provide your project with a variety of medical options - mobile treatment centers (MTCs), mobile treatment clinics and first aid rooms or ask us about setting up a staffed clinic in a setting or building of your choosing.