We exist to birth, rebirth and develop healthy churches that reproduce, impacting individuals for Christ through a biblical and culturally relevant philosophy of ministry.\\We resource district pastors and churches to...\+ Make Prayer Intentional\+ Evangelize the Lost and to Make Disciples\+ Sustain Spiritual Health\+ Start New Churches\+ Raise Up and Develop Catalytic Leaders\\Vision Statement: To expand the kingdom of God through the multiplication and developing of healthy, effective, reproducing churches.\\Biblical Basis:\+ John 3:16 states God so loved the world\+ Romans 1:16 challenges us to be unashamed\+ Acts 1:8 declares we are to be witnesses\+ Matthew 28:18-20 mandates us to make disciples\\The Western Region is pledged 'to obedience to Jesus Christ her Lord,' and is committed to 'being the holy people of God in the world, and to building His church by worldwide evangelism, discipleship, and multiplication of growing churches, all to the glory of God.'