Intensive Support is a premier mental health support service addressing workplace mental health and wellbeing. One thing is sure - it has never been clearer how critical employee mental health and wellbeing are to the livelihood of businesses. Intensive Support blends best-practice learning from the brightest minds with the most progressive solutions influencing positive change in mental wellbeing. Mental health changing can change a life! There is a lot of shame attached to mental illness – people feel like something's wrong with them. One of the best things people can do is share their mental illness - It can make the biggest difference if they have a conversation about It. HAVACHAT is a work program to help people talk about mental health at work. It helps people to stop hiding from mental illness, normalize the issues, get help and treatment. HAVACHAT can help people change their mental health. If you are concerned that someone you care about is affected by a mental health issue and they won't seek help, then let's have a chat.