James Miller

Business Consulting at The HeadHunter Macedonia - Skopje, Greater Skopje, North Macedonia

James Miller's Colleagues at The HeadHunter Macedonia
Julijana Minovska

Managing Director & Headhunting Expert

Contact Julijana Minovska

Aleksandra Donevska

Operations and Marketing Manager

Contact Aleksandra Donevska

James Miller's Contact Details
The HeadHunter Macedonia
James Miller's Company Details
The HeadHunter Macedonia logo, The HeadHunter Macedonia contact details

The HeadHunter Macedonia

Skopje, Greater Skopje, North Macedonia • 3 Employees
Human Resources

Who we are and what we do:The HeadHunter Group is an innovative Staffing and Recruiting Group operating in Southeast Europe.We offer the newest mentality in Staffing industry and our core business are Candidates and Clients. We lead in the Western Balkans jobs market if one would consider trust and professionalism as two most important factors for this business. We do try to innovate, to pioneer and to evolve.Mission/Мисија:Да обезбедиме најдобри HR услуги во земјата и странство. Нашиот бизнис модел има секојдневно позитивно влијание на луѓето. Наша основна цел и начин на кој придонесуваме во опшетството е преку мисијата "подобра работа, подобар живот". Тоа еона што го правиме, тоа е она што го знаеме најдобро, тоа е она за што ние се грижиме и што ние сме.

Details about The HeadHunter Macedonia
Frequently Asked Questions about James Miller
James Miller currently works for The HeadHunter Macedonia.
James Miller's role at The HeadHunter Macedonia is Business Consulting.
James Miller's email address is ***@. To view James Miller's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
James Miller works in the Human Resources industry.
James Miller's colleagues at The HeadHunter Macedonia are Julijana Minovska, Sashka Malinovik, Aleksandra Donevska and others.
James Miller's phone number is
See more information about James Miller