James Murray

ETL Engineer at CropTrak - Tucson, Arizona, US

James Murray's Contact Details
(520) 445-8022
Tucson,Arizona,United States
James Murray's Company Details
CropTrak logo, CropTrak contact details


Tucson, Arizona, US • 27 Employees

CropTrak brings decades of experience as the leading cloud technology solution to document, share, and analyze an entire supply chain in real-time from source through production. By digitally enabling and connecting their entire supply chain management process, customers can more seamlessly weave together the story of their product, contract, and certification – resulting in significant efficiency gains internally and improved supplier relationships. Started more than 15 years ago by a team of entrepreneurial farm kids and data security experts with a background in 3D military GIS software, we set forth to help create the most efficient, effective and transparent supply chain. Flexible solution to track what matters.

Details about CropTrak
Frequently Asked Questions about James Murray
James Murray currently works for CropTrak.
James Murray's role at CropTrak is ETL Engineer.
James Murray's email address is ***@croptrak.com. To view James Murray's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
James Murray works in the Agriculture industry.
James Murray's colleagues at CropTrak are Jeremy Brown, Shawny Marsden, Keldah Hedstrom, Miguel Garcia, Robin Schultz, David Schmid, Dusky Loebel and others.
James Murray's phone number is (520) 445-8022
See more information about James Murray