Director of Research and Development at Trutta Environmental Solutions - Hendersonville, TN, US
Trutta Environmental Solutions developed the High Definition Stream Survey (HDSS) approach to rapidly gather continuous geo-referenced data in a single pass by integrating GPS, video, depth, water quality and other sensors. Results from HDSS data can be used to determine the extent and distribution of instream habitat, locate areas that contribute to poor stream conditions, define the geomorphic condition for the stream, identify infrastructure impacts, document restoration results and provide a powerful "virtual tour" experience. HDSS is an integrated system of sensors and software that allows for rapid acquisition and classification of bank and channel conditions in streams and small rivers. HDSS allows surveys for up to 20 miles of stream per day with data collected every meter. The HDSS data collection technique will change the data-poor stream lines in your GIS maps to a high-resolution habitat layer. The range of data collected is highly useful for habitat delineation and stream management applications.