NUCCA (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association focuses attention at the top of the spine because a problem there can affect the whole body. Christopher Reeve said it best "When you injure your neck you injure your whole body." One doens't have to fall headfirst off a horse to sustain injury to the brainstem. In fact, 95% of the population has enough misalignment of the top vertebra in the neck to cause compensatory muscle imbalances down the whole entire spine. Every day accidents like slips, falls, bumps and bruises are enough to mis-align the atlas vertebra and cause spinal imbalance. The spinal imbalance, if left uncorrected, may then go on to cause other problems in the spine and body because of the important role the brainstem plays in all of this. I enjoy helping people regain their health from all walks of life with the NUCCA adjustment - from the aged to the young and athletic. Our mission statement is: "Providing NUCCA Chiropractic Care Based Upon Measurable, Predictable, And Reproducible Scientific Principles; Magnifying The Reality And Value Of You."