Communicate with your supporters, constituents, parishioners or customers where they want to hear from you: text.OpnSesame is a Peer-to-Peer ("P2P") communications technology company that enables two-way, personal text messaging conversations. With P2P messaging 90% of texts read within 5 minutes, which generates 5x the click-thru rate and 12x the conversion rate of email. Unlike previous text messaging technologies such as one-way, broadcast text message marketing, OpnSesame facilitates meaningful conversations between consumers and real people from the organizations and businesses in their lives.The days of "blast sending" messages to consumers are gone. Every message transmitted using OpnSesame is individually, manually sent from a single sender to a single recipient. Individual senders have the ability to view responses from recipients and reply accordingly to each individual conversation.Let your audience hear your message, your way with customizable text conversations that will help your organization build more authentic relationships than ever.