Rowen & Associates L.L.P. is a public accounting office servicing clients in the Montreal area. The firm was established by James M. Rowen, CPA, CA in 1986 and offers its clientele with an array of services: audit/review engagements, accounting and notice to readers, financial planning, due diligence reports, Canadian/U.S. taxation (personal, corporate and estates/trusts), tax planning, compliance, and other related consulting services. Audit review, accounting and notice to reader company clients are all privately-held, often owner/manager organizations. Rowen & Associates L.L.P.'s mission is to provide excellent professional services on a timely basis. It is the firm's objective to ensure that its clients receive the personal attention that they deserve. The firm's commitment is adherence to the professional code of ethics and current accounting/auditing standards.The firm's clients are represented by many industries and sectors. These include: chemicals, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, medical, investment companies, retail, human resources consulting, travel agencies, import/export, real estate, sports, estates/trusts, individuals, families, corporate, and not-for-profit.