Founded in 2014, The Black Knights are the only recognised BAFA league American Football Team in the county of Worcestershire. We are one of over 70 senior teams throughout the UK currently helping the sport become one of the fastest growing in the country.Over the past 7 years the team has grown from a notebook dream, to having a roster of over 65 players, 10+ coaches and a solid foundation upon which to build. We always on the look out for new sponsors to help us on our journey, to expand awareness of the team, attract new players, and continue to deliver affordable, high quality football to adults throughout the county.We play all of our home games at Worcester Rugby Football Club, just off the M5 at Sixways, home to multiple other sports teams and societies, giving us a great location to provide maximum exposure for all potential sponsors.Throughout the year we host various social events, open to Club members and their friends/family. Community engagement is important to out Club, and we often take part in bag packs, town walks and charity events to allow us to build and maintain bonds with the community.This year we will take the field in BAFANL Severn (COVID division).