Pavilion Bakery are a specialty bakery offeringthe very best in sourdough bread, pastries andcoffee in East London and Cornwall. Startedby founder Rob Green in 2004 in VictoriaPark, Pavilion exemplifies what it means to beeveryone's ‘local'.We bake a small but stand out range of slowfermented breads and pastries and serve themalongside really excellent coffee and lunches.We source our flour, butter, eggs and chocolatefrom the UK's best sustainable farmers andproducers, meaning everything we bake is madeup of truly exceptional ingredients and hasexceptional flavour.With over 10 years of experience, the Pavilionsites celebrate speciality, seasonal producefrom the UK and promote health through foodwith a particular focus on the very best fruitand vegetables. The sites are all meat-free andstocked with organic, local produce from ourfriends and suppliers around the UK.We constantly aim to improve ourselves andour products, as well improving our impact onthe world around us. We take pride in sourcingas ethically and sensibly as possible, using theleast impactful packaging and materials andputting back into the local communities we aresituated in.Moving forward we aim to be entirely seasonallyled with our menu and products guided by thefruit andvegetables that are available to usthroughout the British growing year, as well ascreating homemade pickles, jams and fermentsled by each season's bounty at the farms.We are all the sum of our parts, and at Pavilionwe make sure those parts are damn good.