Director Of Student Support & Engagement at Colorado Springs School District 11 - Colorado Springs, CO, US
We dare to empower the whole student to profoundly impact our world Learning: Our curricula and instruction are rigorous,relevant, and responsive, designed tocultivate the full potential in every student. Wereward innovation and foster passion. Ourshared goal is this: growth without exception.Diversity: Located in the heart of Colorado Springs,D11 is the City's longest-standing and mostdiverse school district, and, in additionto academic excellence, we prepare ourstudents to understand and lead in a diversesociety.Service: We are here to serve! We inspire one anotherto take risks, challenge one another toachieve more, and help one another moveforward when we fail. We know that wesucceed together.Empowering: Our students are thriving academicallyand gaining the personal, social, andcultural experiences they need to make aprofound impact on society. We're building acommunity that can rise to any challenge andreach new heights: Strong schools equalsstrong communities.