Defy is an innovative and comprehensive wellness studio that gives our clients the tools, services and support they need to reach their optimal selves—physically, mentally and spiritually. Everyone has something that keeps them from their optimum self, whether it's a sore back, aching joints, sleepless nights, anxiety, excess weight and so on. At Defy, our goal is to help our clients overcome limits that keep them from their absolute best and help them feel fresh and rejuvenated—every day. As such, we are the only wellness studio in town to offer a variety of cutting-edge services all in one convenient location. Our comprehensive wellness offerings include real whole-body cryotherapy, laser guided local cryotherapy, sensory deprivation tanks for floatation therapy, far infra-red saunas, sequential compression systems, bio-electromagnetic regulation systems and zero gravity 3D massage chairs. By offering this variety of cutting-edge, science based wellness technologies, we aim to provide an environment where clients can achieve calmness of mind, bring more clarity and infuse their bodies with energy to maintain their optimum wellness.