CSFB provides low-income Baltimore City families with tuition assistance for their children to attend K - 8th grade at the private school of their choice. CSFB graduates have a 98% high school graduation rate and a 93% college attendance rate. CSFB scholars receive up to $2,000 per student and currently attend over 50 schools in the Baltimore area. Families pay a minimum of $500 per student towards tuition. Scholars must maintain a 90% attendance rate. Every family who receives scholarships is below the median income level and most qualify for free and reduced lunch programs. All students from a family randomly selected from our waiting list are eligible for tuition assistance. If the family continues to meet the income eligibility standards, their children continue in the program through 8th grade. CSFB relies on support from local individual, corporate and foundation donors to meet its scholarship budget each year. Our scholarships demonstrate that a relatively small philanthropic investment, combined with a contribution from the parent, can provide a private school education and a much better chance of graduating from high school. Nationally, CSF has been awarded a three-star rating by Charity Navigator for exceeding or meeting industry standards for efficiency and fiscal responsibility. CSF has also been awarded the "Best in America" Seal of Excellence by Independent Charities of America for meeting the highest standards of public accountability, program effectiveness and cost effectiveness. Fewer than 5% of U.S. charities meet these standards and earn the ICA Seal.