Regional office for Tero Marine AS based in BergenBased in Bergen, Norway, Tero Marine AS is one of the world's leading developers of marine information systems. Our TM Master software suite is in use on ships and ship owners' offices all over the world. TM Master is a fully integrated information system, and is continuously adapting to meet the standards of future shipping operations. The software suite consists of four modules: TM Maintenance, TM Procurement, TM Human Resources and TM Quality & Environment. At the core of the system is a robust database used for data storage and for sharing information between all the modules. TM Master also replicates data between ships and shore, thus making it easy for everyone involved in ship operations to access the data stored. Analysis of data will support ship owners and fleet managers` operations from planning through execution. TM Master is also an important tool for improving fleet-wide safety. Information on issues, accidents and incidents can be shared across program modules and ships. "Our software enables our customers to make the right choices at the right time. Installing TM Master can deliver significant cost reductions, increased efficiency and improved control of operations. In short: We are helping our customers make ship operations smarter", says Jan Erik Hårvei, CEO of Tero Marine. Our software's proven reliability over more than 25 years has made it possible for us to work with innovative customers in all parts of the world. Siem Offshore, Subsea 7, DOF, Gulfmark, Edison Chouest, Knutsen OAS Shipping and PT Logindo are some of the industry leading companies which have chosen TM Master as their fleet management system.