Jan Shearer

Humboldt, Arizona, United States - Accountant at Spring Ridge Academy - Cordes Lakes, AZ, US

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Spring Ridge Academy
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Spring Ridge Academy

Cordes Lakes, AZ, US • 250 - 499 Employees

Spring Ridge Academy is an all girls, therapeutic boarding school serving students ages 13 - 17 in grades 9 - 12. We combine an empowering emotional growth program with a sophisticated therapeutic approach and a rigorous college prep curriculum. Not only are students immersed in an environment dedicated to fostering maturity and confidence, the entire family is included in the process, creating an atmosphere of change, collaboration and hope.Spring Ridge Academy serves bright, creative, talented adolescent women struggling to live to their potential. Our approach recognizes a variety of symptoms, such as anxiety, depression, disconnection, apathy, and destructive decision-making, that interfere with their success and positive family dynamics.The therapeutic approach at Spring Ridge Academy utilizes a combination of family systems and developmental models to create a comprehensive scope of treatment. Within this model, we identify and address six key, interlinked concepts affecting the quality of life for teens and their families:* Identity* Attachment* Parenting Style/Method* Communication* Executive Functioning * Social Functioning The entire family is included in the process, creating an atmosphere of change, collaboration and hope. Our therapeutic milieu and approach is designed to address each student's unique set of issues, challenges and strengths and to assist the family in making changes that support each member's growth. Students engage in a variety of recreational and service activities in our weekend programming. These activities serve as ways for students to take new risks, try new activities, and foster passions that keep life exciting and healThe core of a Spring Ridge Academy education is the learning process. The academic environment at Spring Ridge Academy nurtures young women to become confident, competent, and responsible students while gaining the necessary skills to engage in and enjoy the life-long process of learning.

Hospital/Clinic Psychiatric Hospitals Mental Health Care
Details about Spring Ridge Academy
Frequently Asked Questions about Jan Shearer
Jan Shearer currently works for Spring Ridge Academy.
Jan Shearer's role at Spring Ridge Academy is Humboldt, Arizona, United States - Accountant.
Jan Shearer's email address is ***@springridgeacademy.com. To view Jan Shearer's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jan Shearer works in the Mental Health Care industry.
Jan Shearer's colleagues at Spring Ridge Academy are Beth Ragland, Chaya Molina-Malouff, Erin Smith, Katie Berry, Jana Hill, Patrick Johnson, Spring Reception and others.
Jan Shearer's phone number is 928-632-4602
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