staniÄnà sestra oÄnà klinika KZ Masarykova nemocnice
Regional Health Corporation („Krajská zdravotní, a.s." in czech language) consists of 5 hospitals – Masaryk Hospital in Ústí nad Labem, Děčín Hospital, Teplice Hospital, Most Hospital and Chomutov Hospital – which all have long history and tradition. The organization was established in September 2007 to merge these 4 district hospitals and 1 regional (Masaryk) hospital under one roof creating thus the biggest healthcare provider in the Czech Republic. The only owner of the joint-stock company is The Ústí Region. The area covers about 820 000 citizens. In the hospitals there are 6 236 employees (from that 838 doctors and 2 673 nurses) and more than 3 350 beds.