At EDGE our goal is to allow you the BEST workout of your life. We give you the opportunity to take fitness boutique classes with access to a FULL gym. Everything you want under one roof and at a price that makes you feel good about it. We offer up to variety of 60 fitness classes - Yoga, Barre, Pilates, SPX, Boxing, Battleropes, and Bootcamp.Only $69/ month for this boutique studio class experience.What Makes EDGE Different? · Unlimited sweat· Boutique studio class experience AND acess to a full gym· A personal transformation, both physical and mental· Over 60 class styles· Up to 12 classes per day· Up to 1,000 calories burned per sweat-session· Discover your higher self and take things to the next level· Extremely mentally and spiritually stimulating· You WILL leave stronger than you arrived· A huge sense of accomplishment and achievement· Extremely affordable price· Expert, rockstar Instructors· Amazing, heart-bumping playlists· You will detox / cleanse your body in every single class· An unspoken sense of community within the classes – Everyone gets through it together.