Founded in December 2012 by a collection of young, energetic Ohio State faculty, postdocs and staff, The STEAM Factory is a diverse and inclusive grass-roots network in the Ohio State community that facilitates creative and interdisciplinary collaboration, innovation, outreach and education. The STEAM Factory encourages innovation among all research disciplines by providing linkages and interdisciplinary interactions between Ohio State researchers, departments and colleges. By engaging graduate and undergraduate students, The STEAM Factory enhances the impact of university outreach efforts and connects ambitious junior researchers who seek participation in multidisciplinary programs. The STEAM Factory also increases understanding and impact of Ohio State research through greater public awareness. By leveraging Ohio State expertise and resources in partnership with community leaders, government, and the private sector, The STEAM Factory makes important contributions to community sustainability and economic development. For example, with its presence at 400 West Rich in Franklinton, The STEAM Factory helps to connect Ohio State to the greater Columbus area. The STEAM Factory is a unique and powerful tool for facilitating productive research opportunities, in that it serves as a networking and outreach tool, connecting Ohio State faculty and staff members to each other and to potential collaborators outside of the university. This gives STEAM a research capability which includes the sum total of the individual research capabilities of each of its members, as well as an additional layer of capability provided by STEAM's flagship goal of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaboration. With the results of such collaborations containing input, wisdom, knowledge, and expertise from a variety of different sources and world-class researchers, it can be anticipated that the collaboration would yield results which are meaningful, holistic, and impactful.