Director of Fast Track Computer Solutions; Planning Engineer; Primavera and MS Project Consultant/Trainer; Software Coach and Trainer in Microsoft 365, Access Developer, Excel, Outlook
At Fast Track Computer Solutions we specialise inMS Excel,MS Access,MS Project,MS Office suite,Spreadsheet Training & Programming,Database Training & Programming,Microsoft Word,Word Processing Training,Training & Consulting,Microsoft Outlook,Training & Programming,Project Management Software,Construction-Project Management, Customised Software Solutions,Construction Software ApplicatiionsAccounting Interfacing & Reporting,Primavera and MS Project Consulting and Training.Looking forward to assisting you with your software and training solutions.Ph (08)9275 9188Fast Track quickly identified a shortfall in the full application and use of the Microsoft Office suite. We saw that although the software was popular it was certainly not being used to its full capacity. There was an obvious need for people to better understand the MS software to unleash the full potential of the MS Office suite.We have been sought after for our simple, straightforward yet so easy to follow and understand training programs.In software training and customisation, the "FastBuild" Suite also has integrated modules covering contract administration and book-keeping, contract and specifications, variations, progress claims, invoicing, purchasing, cost management and reporting.