We deliver issue based training through the creative arts to young people, adults and the practitioners who work with them. Recent and current work with practitioners and includes: - Workforce development training - Relationships, Sexual Health and Substance Misuse training - One to one and group Coaching and Mentoring - Pro-social modelling and motivational interviewing skills training - Restorative Approaches practices training - Engaging hard to reach young people Recent and current work with with young people includes: - Arts Award via Issue based art workshops with young people - Music workshops with young people - Diversionary activities projects - Employability programmes for young people not in education employment or training - Self esteem and body image - Creative Workshops Recent and current work with with adults includes: - Coaching and Mentoring - Personal development workshops - Enterprise workshops - Employability worskhops - Creative workshops We believe in collaborative and partnership working, please get in touch if you believe that together is good! If you don't immediately find what you are looking for, let us know, we have a great network, love a challenge and will aim to find it for you. Please take a look at our website www.resourcecreatives.co.uk