Janene Bell

Florist at Belle Fleur New York - , , US

Janene Bell's Contact Details
Belle Fleur New York
Janene Bell's Company Details
Belle Fleur New York logo, Belle Fleur New York contact details

Belle Fleur New York

, , US • 5 - 9 Employees
Beauty Products

Belle Fleur is an established boutique floral design atelier in Manhattan, catering to clients, both social and corporate. Their sense of style is unparalleled, always featuring the most gorgeous freshest blooms, designed in a classic modern and elegant style with impeccable attention to detail. They pride themselves on superbe client relationships, going above and beyond what's expected and ensuring the most successful outcome for all projects and events, big or small. Their team is small, yet mighty & close-knit, always hiring from a mindful place as their work environment is family-oriented, creative and collaborative. They are in growth mode as they have expanded into the fragrance arena with a collection of interior perfumes to create sensorial moments for short term events, or long term installations. They recently launched Box of Blooms, working with sustainable farms around the world, and shipping flowers nationwide via Fedex.

Details about Belle Fleur New York
Frequently Asked Questions about Janene Bell
Janene Bell currently works for Belle Fleur.
Janene Bell's role at Belle Fleur is Florist.
Janene Bell's email address is ***@bellefleurny.com. To view Janene Bell's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Janene Bell works in the Design industry.
Janene Bell's colleagues at Belle Fleur New York are Marykate Brennan, Camilla Bianca, Ellee Peterson, M Saho, Tanya Botha, Sandra Leisure, Amanda Stafleu and others.
Janene Bell's phone number is
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