Jarell Group are a collective of professional service organisations focussing on the workforce solutions marketplace. The Jarell Group incorporates in excess of 100 years' worth of experience in the recruitment and training sectors.We identify best practice, highlight new trends and encourage communication and collaboration between members. The Jarell group draws on industry experts working for large & small B2B organisations.Companies within The Jarell Group:• Capital Outsourcing Group - www.coguk.com• PeopleLine Group - www.peopleline.co.uk• Qualtech Resourcing - www.qualtechresourcing.com• Capital Pharma - www.capitalpharma.co.uk• Ocsor Training - www.ocsorgroup.co.uk• Kiiro I.T. - www.kiiro.co.uk• TBR Payroll - www.tbrpayroll.com• Aurora Resourcing - • GMP Recruitment - • COG Food -