Janet Escobedo

Purchasing Manager at Cast-Rite Corporation - Gardena, California, United States

Janet Escobedo's Contact Details
["+1 457029035","+31 5322080"]
Los Angeles,California,United States
Cast-Rite Corporation
Janet Escobedo's Company Details
Cast-Rite Corporation logo, Cast-Rite Corporation contact details

Cast-Rite Corporation

Gardena, California, United States • 51 - 200 Employees

Our company has established a solid reputation for excellence since our humble beginnings in 1941. Cast-Rite Corporation has evolved from manufacturing centrifical casting of high density components for aircraft to precision die casting. Over the years, our dedication and commitment to provide quality parts to our customers has allowed us to expand our customer base to a wide spectrum of military, electronics and commercial applications.

Details about Cast-Rite Corporation
Frequently Asked Questions about Janet Escobedo
Janet Escobedo currently works for Cast-Rite Corporation.
Janet Escobedo's role at Cast-Rite Corporation is Purchasing Manager.
Janet Escobedo's email address is ***@cast-rite.com. To view Janet Escobedo's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Janet Escobedo works in the Defense & Space industry.
Janet Escobedo's colleagues at Cast-Rite Corporation are Arnold Adinugroho, Judy Major, Cho Ei, Daniel Chavez, David Eblen, Ramiro Saenz-Vega and others.
Janet Escobedo's phone number is ["+1 457029035","+31 5322080"]
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