In operation since 1989, NAMI Northern Nevada started as a support group. but has grown to a robust organization providing NAMI signature programs and carrying on NAMI mission imperatives of support, advocacy and education in Washoe County, Nevada. Programs like Peer-to-Peer, Family-to-Family, NAMI Basics and NAMI Homefront educate people with mental illnesses, their families, caregivers and partners with the most current knowledge on mental illnesses. NAMI Northern Nevada also provides the Family-to-Family and NAMI Basics education programs in English and Spanish. NAMI Northern Nevada offers support groups like NAMI Connection for individuals living with mental illness and the Family Support Group for family members of people with mental illness; these groups attend to the everyday issues and traumatic crises through group wisdom and problem solving. NAMI Northern Nevada is represented in local mental health coalitions and treatment centers and in public testimony at NAMI State Legislature meetings, promoting community supports and services for people with mental illnesses and their families. At all times, NAMI Northern Nevada labors to reach out to every sector of society including the Latino, African American, American Indian, LGBTQ and homeless communities, everyone affected by the issues of mental illness.OUR GOALSAdvocate at the county, state and national levels for non-discriminatory access to quality healthcare, housing , education and employment for people with mental illness.Educate the public about mental illness.Work to eliminate the stigma of mental illness. Advocate for increased funding for research into the causes and treatment of mental illness. OUR VISIONIn our envisioned future mental illness will no longer thwart a person's fulfillment of his or her potential. With early pinpoint diagnoses, interventions and targeted medications and services there is no pervasive disability. Ultimately, we envision a day when prevention or a cure is found.