Janet Hogan

at Sara Lee - Chicago, Illinois, United States

Janet Hogan's Contact Details
Downers Grove,Illinois,United States
Sara Lee
Janet Hogan's Company Details
Sara Lee logo, Sara Lee contact details

Sara Lee

Chicago, Illinois, United States • 26 Employees
Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering

Sara Lee era una multinacional americana líder en los mercados de Panadería, Café e Infusiones, Cuidado Personal, Cuidado del Hogar y Apparel. Se disgregó en 2012 en varias empresas, vendiendo sus marcas de Cuidado Personal y Cuidado del Hogar a Procter&Gamble, Unilever, SCJohnson, Colgate Palmolive y Henkel.Las marcas más importantes en España eran Sanex, AmbiPur, Bimbo, Marcilla, Soley, Kiwi, Bloom, Cucal, Polil, Hornimans, S3, Dim, Playtex, Unno, Champion, Coach y muchas otras.

Details about Sara Lee
Frequently Asked Questions about Janet Hogan
Janet Hogan currently works for Sara Lee.
Janet Hogan's role at Sara Lee is .
Janet Hogan's email address is ***@tysonfoods.com. To view Janet Hogan's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Janet Hogan works in the Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering industry.
Janet Hogan's colleagues at Sara Lee are Robert Tisdale, Vicki Collier, Cory Long, Heather Bombach, Bryan Holcomb, Josh Salerno, Antwan Traylor and others.
Janet Hogan's phone number is
See more information about Janet Hogan