began in 1996 with two guys, a stack of avalanche beacons, and a garage in Park City, Utah. Our roots were humble, and we've grown since then, but our vision is still clear: to provide the best outdoor gear—and to be the best at doing it. We have deep roots in Utah, and we thrive on the trails and in the mountains surrounding Park City. Our corporate headquarters sits just north of old town Park City and within a quick pedal or a few footsteps of the Wasatch mountains. You can also find us playing at our other company locations in Salt Lake City, UT, Christiansburg, VA, Portland, OR, Costa Rica, and Germany. Aside from our flagship site,, we operate three other specialty e-tailers (Competitive Cyclist, Motosport, and as well as two flash sales sites (Steep & Cheap and Whiskey Militia). At Backcountry, we value your passions just as much as your work. Much in the way that we seek out the highest performing gear on the planet, we hire the most knowledgeable and experienced employees in the industry. We offer industry-leading perks to reward a job well done. From a gear discount nearly too-good-to-believe, to boundless opportunities for workday recreation, a flexible time off policy, casual dress code, reimbursement for carpooling, and a killer lineup of local events, the list of perks is nearly endless. In addition to offering industry-leading perks, we have big-company benefits like medical, dental, vision, and disability & life insurance, paid maternity & paternity leave, and 401(k) matching to keep your family healthy and happy. Check out our job listings: