Hospitality Design -We take real pleasure in designing spaces where people can relax and recuperate with a meal, with a drink and with friends. Great hospitality environments need to be comfortable and contemporary but they also need to function as commercial spaces. All our hospitality schemes strive to attract and retain customers in a sector that is fiercely competitive and always evolving. We also undertake regular and rigorous research into the best hospitality venues in London and beyond!Retail Design - At Studio du Feu we're acutely aware of the threats that face retailers. Threats from online and omni, threats from fast moving independents and threats to their customers spending power. That's why we're always innovating and designing with the shopper experience in mind. Retail needs to evolve to survive and we're always helping our clients stay one step ahead, helping them increase footfall and helping them maximise every square centimetre of floorspace.Commercial Design -Even before Covid the workplace was undergoing drastic changes. Millennial demands, blended working models and shared workspaces have all shaken up the way people interacted with office spaces. We're in tune with the changes in the commercial sector and our clients benefit from our fresh thinking and bold design ideas to benefit their employees or tenants.Studio du Feu Ltd