Jared Lebaube

Graphic Designer II at OverDrive - Cleveland, Ohio, US

Jared Lebaube's Contact Details
(216) 573-6886
Cleveland,Ohio,United States
Jared Lebaube's Company Details
OverDrive logo, OverDrive contact details


Cleveland, Ohio, US • 547 Employees
Online Media

OverDrive is a mission-based company that stands with libraries. Named a Certified B Corp in 2017, OverDrive serves more than 88,000 libraries and schools in 109 countries with the industry’s largest digital catalog of ebooks, audiobooks, video and other content. OverDrive’s commitment to empower every library and school includes expanding access for all, tireless industry advocacy and consistently innovating. Award-winning apps and services include the Libby library reading app, the Sora student reading app, Kanopy, the leading video streaming app for libraries and colleges, and TeachingBooks.net, which offers one of the largest catalogs of supplemental materials that enhance literacy outcomes. OverDrive Marketplace is the premier digital catalog and sales platform for public library, academic, K-12 educator and international institutional buyers. Founded in 1986, OverDrive is based in Cleveland, Ohio USA. www.overdrive.com. We are a Certified B Corporation, a growing global movement of people using business as a force for good™. OverDrive earned this certification for the company’s commitment to social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability. OverDrive is proud to be a certified B Corp and to celebrate everything we stand for: Empowering communities with our services, supporting literacy and creating reading happiness; supporting initiatives that offer work-life balance for our employees; and incorporating work practices and business policies that strengthen and preserve our environment for future generations.

E-Books Audiobook Platform Online Video
Details about OverDrive
Frequently Asked Questions about Jared Lebaube
Jared Lebaube currently works for OverDrive.
Jared Lebaube's role at OverDrive is Graphic Designer II.
Jared Lebaube's email address is ***@overdrive.com. To view Jared Lebaube's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jared Lebaube works in the Online Media industry.
Jared Lebaube's colleagues at OverDrive are Meredith Wemhoff, Jim Louk, Ty Sugick, Nickie Lui, Natasha Solomun, Joseph Fortunato, Kristin Preyss and others.
Jared Lebaube's phone number is (216) 573-6886
See more information about Jared Lebaube