We are Australia's second largest sugar milling company, with an annual turnover exceeding $300 million. We have three operating sugar mills - at Racecourse, Marian and Farleigh. Our revenue base includes raw and refined sugar, molasses and renewable energy. Raw sugar, our primary product, averages 800,000 tonnes annually for both the domestic market and export distribution. We also hold a 25 per cent interest in sugar refining within Australia and New Zealand in a joint venture arrangement with Wilmar. Product from the refineries is marketed by Sugar Australia Limited and New Zealand Sugar Company, realising over $700 million annually. Both these companies are market leaders, serving large multi-national companies that are house-hold names. Mackay Sugar was formed as a co-operative in 1988, when five formerly independent milling co-operatives in the Pioneer Valley (Marian, Racecourse, Cattle Creek, North Eton and Farleigh mills) merged and acquired Pleystowe Mill from CSR Limited. The need to be flexible and to maximise value-adding opportunities led shareholders to vote in favour of incorporating Mackay Sugar Limited to a restricted public company in July 2008. In July 2019 the shareholders approved the subscription by Nordzucker AG, which acquired 70% of the issued shares in Mackay Sugar. Our Corporate Office is located on the first floor of the main administration building at Racecourse Mill, situated on Peak Downs Highway at Racecourse, Mackay. Corporate Office functions include Corporate Administration, Cane Expansion, Finance, Human Resources and Communications.