JWLCC is there for entrepreneurs when they need a helping hand, feel lonely, overwhelmed or not satisfied with what they have in life, when they know it could be far better!We offer Life Coaching to entrepreneurs who want to develop, change, improve their relationships, change, grow, thrive, expand their personality and business, become happier and healthier.JWLCC has a team of Executive -, Life- and Wellness Coaches, Healers and Naturopaths. We conduct corporate trainings, seminars, keynote speaking and one on one sessions and we are there for individuals - all over the world - online!The company was built in 2008 in Germany - 13 years of accumulated knowledge and experiences globally. JWLCC is one of the leaders in holistic change and transformation of mind and body. The German Life Coach Waldmann is also the author of the book "Change ME". In this book she takes the reader to the step-by step approach and thus helps to change - one thing after the other. Know more about the book and get out here: https://www.amazon.in/dp/8184959907/ref=cm_sw_r_wa_apa_i_iJltAb74Q8M66