SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS is one of the leading providers of non-medical laboratory analysis in Europe. The expertise of SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS is demonstrated by more than 180 certifications, accreditations and authorisations as well as over 175 years of experience in the field of analysis. This outstanding knowledge is the basis - in Germany and internationally - for the excellent reputation among manufacturers, retailers, service companies and end consumers. We are SGS – the world's leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. With our 99,600 employees, we operate a network of 2,600 offices and laboratories around the world. SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS - a company of the SGS Group Germany. OUR SEAL OF QUALITY Many everyday consumer goods are already labelled with the SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS quality seal. This allows manufacturers to document their above-average efforts for quality and safety. You can find the latest information on product safety and the products labelled by SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS on the website: