DIDX makes available SIP DID phone numbers from 140 countries and 100s of 1000s of cities with instant activation after interop and agreement complete, plus say, "Hello," to low monthly rates and a quality rating system to help you make the best choices for your company. See http://www.didx.net/did!The direct inward dialing phone numbers add revenue and increase customer retention in business areas of Calling Card, VoIP, CallBack, Call Forwarding, PBXs, Mobile Phones, Voice Mail, Faxing or any other VOICE or Data Service one wishes to provide.Numbers are available Per Channel, Per Minute and Per Trigger Bases.In addition, you will receive two free direct inward dialing phone numbers to test the compatibility and interconnection with your switch.All buying is completed through your own website, with DIDX running transparently in the background, provisioning the phone numbers through your server over SIP.The DIDX API and Web Service empowers your telecom, mobile, or other communications service provider to integrate the entire DIDS inventory of millions of phone numbers of 145 nations on to your web site, enabling you to buy and resell with a whole new revenue value add for customers.Your company gains an excellent reputation with increased revenue, more satisfied customers that stay with you, and your global presence. Feel confident with the DIDX service in which highly respected organizations have granted awards such as Pulver Media, Digium, GetVOIP, Kamailio World, Computer World, TMCnet, Arabia 500 Fast Growth, PASHA, Teradata and Total Telecom.Try it today and see what over 25,000 companies have already discovered and are benefiting from in revenue, reputation and clout since 1999 in beta and since 2005 release to web.