A farming, TV critic, Dad of three, walks into a bar…Ok, it's not a bar – it's a blog. Yet, still, it's a place for us to ‘get together', share our stories and have a good time. Besides, we're all in our 40s and going out to a bar just seems like a lot of work these days.While I was looking into information from other Dads in their 40s trying to balance life, kids, marriage, homes, jobs, hobbies and everything else – it was clear – we don't do a very good job! Moms have an amazing ability to share ideas, network and support each other through anything. Us? Not so much.That's why I wanted to start this new kind of community. How does the ‘modern' man in his 40s relate to the world around him? Good question. While I am in no way an expert – I am living it and I'm willing to share what I'm going through. It's my hope that you'll do the same. Let us start a great community of Modern Men helping each other out.