The creation of California-based designer and fabricator, Jason Hui, Prometheus Lights has just launched its initial product: the Alpha flashlight. Born in Hong Kong and raised on a ranch in Montana, Hui is a paradox. He can drive on the wrong side of the road in the world's most densely populated city, but he can also start a one-match campfire and rope from horseback. In his own words, "I've lived on both coasts. I like to understand both sides of an argument. I'm a machinist with an MBA."Prior to launching Prometheus Lights, Hui designed watches, fly-fishing equipment, retail stores and machine tool accessories. He's built animatronic sharks for a Hollywood special effects studio, worked on the Automotive X Prize and the world's first high-performance electric motorcycle at Mission Motors. "The world is full of stuff," says Hui. "As a consumer, I want to buy things that I know someone has cared about and that I know will last. As a designer, maker and strategist, I strive to create products that reflect how I see the world, my values and they way I want to fit into the big picture."For more information about Prometheus Lights and to purchase an Alpha light, visit