GCR is an experienced engineering consultancy specializing in providing development support services for renewable energy generation projects across North America and Europe. The GCR team comprises eight staff in the Calgary office and over 60 technical staff in the UK offices. The Calgary team have a core capability for project development, permitting and stakeholder engagement, technical assessment, project design and engineering design.GCR's preferred approach is to operate as part of a project team, alongside our customers and any other consultants engaged on the project to ensure successful project delivery. We adopt a hands-on and common-sense approach to development, appreciating the need to be flexible in response to client scope change or strategy change.With over 15+ years in the renewable energy industry the company has developed extensive experience in solar, wind and battery storage project development. We have a comprehensive understanding of the complex suite of technical and environmental considerations for developing renewable generation projects. Out team are highly adept in navigating the technical assessments required and have a wealth of directly relevant, hands-on experience. Our technical assessment expertise is reinforced by our in-house capabilities through all stages of project development, our service offering includes:- Site Selection- Feasibility Assessment- Layout Design and Optimization - Technology Selection - Resource Assessment - Interconnection Feasibility - Permitting Strategy- Stakeholder Capacity Building - Due Diligence - Stakeholder Engagement - Agency Consultation - Noise Impact Assessment - Solar Glare Hazard Analysis - Visualizations- Shadow Flicker- Regulatory Permitting Applications- Emergency Response Plans- Decommissioning Plans- Air Quality - GHG- Expert Witness Hearing Support- FEED - Electrical Design - Civil Design - Construction Management and Site Supervision - Technical Procurement