You have come to the right place if you are looking for a large selection of safety footwear, insoles and accessories, high visibility workwear and personal protective equipment to ensure your complete workplace safety and comfort. We take workplace safety seriously and we are proud to provide work boots and safety shoes that combine unsurpassed safety and comfort. We help businesses of all sizes create a safety footwear program that is convenient, cost-effective and ensures workers are wearing not only CSA approved footwear but safety shoes and work boots that fit them well and help support their work activities. Our safety shoes are ideal for industrial, service-related, warehouse, and many institutional and manufacturing environments. Mister Safety Shoes has been a trusted safety footwear expert for over 45 years due to the superior features, fit, and quality our safety footwear offers. We offer end-to-end safety footwear management programs for businesses and workers that remove the headache of managing employee eligibility and will accommodate organizations of all sizes. You can shop at 27 retail store locations serving Ontario and Alberta plus 20 convenient “Shoemobile” trucks that bring an extensive safety shoe, insole and work boot showroom to your employees on-site, ensuring your organization is within compliance.