We help Insurers and Employers Improve RTW Outcomes by Transforming the Worker/Employee RTW Experience.Our Mission is to prevent the human, social, and economic harm of unnecessary work disability. Not sure what work disability is? Watch this quick video https://go.centrixdm.com/aboutOur vision is to help our industry move toward a Worker-Centric Model. A simple Lead --> Add --> Mix approach has been proven to generate positive outcomes for workers, insurers, and employers.We focus on the quality of the worker's experience while in a compensation system. Whether it is an occupational or non-occupational injury or illness the negative consequences of unnecessary work disability are significant and real for employers, workers, and society. Using our our simple 6 Strategic Initiatives for Work Disability Prevention and Vocational Recovery you can create a Pathway to better outcomes for all stakeholders:1. Measure the worker's RTW experience2. Timely reporting of the injury3. Matched Care case management 4. MAP™: Motivation and Action Planning 5. Purposeful Communication during the Leave of Absence6. Enhanced Training for staff who engage with workers.The bottom line: Personalized Return to Work engages and activates workers in their Vocational Recovery and RTW.Centrix Work Disability Solutions helps you scale it.We also provide:✅Work Disability and Vocational Recovery Case Management✅RTW Engagement and Planning✅Communication with Stakeholders✅Transferrable Skills Analysis✅Specializing in the Interactive Process and AccommodationsOur MAP™ (Motivation and Action Planning) methodology is highly unique and used internationally to improve RTW outcomes. Would you like to experience a transformation in how you engage workers/employees in their vocational recovery and RTW?👉 Visit us: www.centrixdm.com📧 Contact us: info@centrixdm.com📅 Book a free, no obligation call with us: https://go.centrixdm.com/booking