Board Member - New Zealand Accounting Standards Board at External Reporting Board - Wellington, Wellington, NZ
We enable high quality, credible, and integrated reporting through the provision of robust frameworks and standards that are internationally credible, while being relevant to Aotearoa New Zealand so that reporting and assurance in New Zealand promotes trust, confidence, transparency and accountability. We:* develop a financial reporting strategy for New Zealand* prepare and issue accounting standards* prepare and issue standards for assurance practitioners* liaise with national and international organisations with similar standard-setting functions.Our approach is to adopt international standards which are modified to reflect unique New Zealand conditions. We also look to harmonise our standards with Australia. The External Reporting Board (XRB) is an independent Crown Entity. XRB was originally established under section 22 of the Financial Reporting Act 1993, with continued existence under section 12 of the Financial Reporting Act 2013.#financialreporting #auditing #accountingstandards #extendedexternalreporting #eer