Our mission is to change as many lives as possible, especially children, and to open their eyes to the True World of Health and Wellness. We specialize in Gonstead, the most advanced form of chiropractic in the world. Gonstead chiropractic is "precision" chiropractic. It is a system of meticulously analyzing the spine to find nerve pressure (subluxation) and then giving a precise adjustment to the exact right bone, in the exact right direction (in 3 dimensions) and leaving the other normal bones alone. Gonstead chiropractors do not give a general manipulation moving every bone in the spine. We give very precise adjustments because we realize that adjusting bones that are not causing nerve pressure can actually cause problems as bad as the nerve pressure itself. A good analogy for Gonstead would be this: You can take a stick of dynamite and tap it all day long but if you give one good precisely placed hit, it will explode. When a Gonstead chiropractor gives that precise adjustment, "the dynamite explodes," giving spectacular results.Although there have been many valuable techniques that have been developed overall in the chiropractic profession, the Gonstead System is considered a "gold standard" for chiropractic techniques because of its record of safety and effectiveness in correcting vertebral subluxations.