OUR MISSIONTo enable economic growth through development of CNC automation solutions for every CNC machine, for every end-user. HALTER works continuously on the development, production, distribution and service of our products. We do this with a team of specialists and by working together with highly qualified suppliers and distributors. This allows our customers to rely on technologically advanced, robust and reliable automation.YOUR KEY BENEFITS:• More spindle hours at lower costs• Higher utilization of your machine park• Very short payback period (6-12 months)• CNC operators are relieved of simple and repetitive tasks• By investing in one HALTER you can automate several CNC machines The HALTER LoadAssistant® is a clear and manageable investment. Due to its simplicity in operation, you can produce more from day one, without complicated adjustments in your business. COOPERATION WITH FASTEMSThe HALTER LoadAssistant was developed in cooperation with the Fastems Group. Fastems is the world leader in the field of manufacturing automation. It has installed more than 1,500 FMS systems (Flexible Manufacturing Systems) and implemented more than 350 portals and 1,600 robotic systems worldwide.