Shandong Provincial Education Department (SDPED), a component department of Shandong Provincial People's Government, is the supreme education administration body in Shandong with responsibility for Shandong's educational undertakings. The main functions of the department are as follows:1.Carrying out related laws, regulations at national and Shandong provincial level, and implement guidelines and policies of Ministry of Education of PRC and Shandong Provincial People's Government.2. Putting forward strategies of educational reform and development and master plans for the provincial educational development.3. Managing higher education and postgraduate education in Shandong.4.Giving guideline to secondary education and lower level, and to supervise and evaluate the implementation of 9-year compulsory schooling undertaking mainly by municipal and country-level governments.5.Managing, coordinating and directing educational foreign affairs, and formulating guidelines and policies for students studying abroad and international students studying in Shandong.