Ornavera presents the ultimate artificial intelligence farming technology designed to help growers make quick, informed decisions. Ornavera collects data, calculates and assesses the numbers, then relays crop health information in a simple platform. Ornavera's platform collects data periodically, allowing growers to constantly monitor current crop-health and the evolution of different sectors of their land with real-time information, which is gathered in The Ornavera Eye. This feature computes enormous amounts of data and presents the gathered information in one insightful visual of crop health. The color-coded Eye displays specific crop-health information that is derived from light, climate, and soil data and makes the environmental aspects that may need to be altered, or kept the same, evident in order to ensure an optimized yield.Ornavera's goal is to empower growers by providing them with important, accurate crop-health information, granting them the ability to make pro-active decisions regarding disease prevention and optimized crop yields.