LTC Customer Service Administrator/Government Funding Administor/Service Coordinator
For more than two decades, Med+ has been serving the residents of Ontario, providing leadership in delivering Home Health Care products and services into the community, including Assisted Living, Retirement and Long Term Care facilities.Our commitment to improving quality of life for people with long-term disabilities goes beyond mobility, with aview toward providing superior product solutions and services that ensure our clients enjoy enhanced comfort, safety and better outcomes.As an Assistive Devices Program (ADP) Registered Vendor, Med+ excels at providing our clients with mobility, seating, positioning and pressure relieving devices that provide the best protection from falls, positioning issues, poor skin condition or compromised circulation. Our mission is to provide products and services that improve quality of life and facilitate provision of care, assisting those facilities in which we operate in theirmission to provide the best possible level of health care to their residents.