The Hub was created beginning in 2000. The premise was to build a simple tool forpharmaceutical sales reps to manage their call files, sample activity, inventory, expenses, andtimesheets using the web as the platform. The idea is that all the rep needs is a browser toperform his essential daily activities. This hybrid method of call sampling that includes papercalls to prescribers was the initial function of the Hub.Our guiding philosophy that we use in designing our products is Operational Simplicity.Operational simplicity means that it doesn't take a team of developers to write the code thatruns our products. Operational Simplicity means that it doesn't take an army of support staffto maintain our systems. Operational Simplicity means that we will always choose simple overcosmetic and fancy. In a nutshell, Operational Simplicity is SaaS.But in 2007 with the birth of iPhone iOS, a brand new user interface was built around touchand swipe gestures. This was a revolutionary new technology that brought large numbersof users to a single device, in addition to spawning touch imitators like Android. Now withiPad, there is an even wider audience that can benefit exponentially from this new paradigmfor mobile computing.