PriMedical, Inc. was created to bring a new perspective to Case Management in the Workers' Compensation Industry. Our team is comprised of industry experts with a thorough understanding of what it takes to exceed the expectations of our clients. Our enthusiasm and unique approach allows us to provide results that are second to none.Factors such as: location of cases, volume of catastrophic claims, and bilingual needs all play major roles in how we become the best partner for our customers. There is more to our process than assigning a case manager to a claim. It is about assigning the right case manager to the claim. Our approach to Case Management puts more flexibility and power in the hands of the employer, insurer and/or TPA. Available Services:Task Assignments: We work withour customers to ensure that theservice we provide is appropriatefor the case. We can pinpointspecific needs and provideservices for a one-time taskassignment. Sometimes obtainingrecords, MMI, MCC or conferencingwith a provider is all that is neededand we are pleased to be involvedin any of these crucial events.Full Field (including Catastrophic):We identify the absolute bestcandidate for your full field casemanagement assignments.We want to make sure the fit is idealfor all parties and that it will create aneffective team.Our Case Managers adhere to thePriMedical, Inc. culture by providingconstant communication, along withan aggressive approach to thetreatment plan. We monitor theprogress internally to ensure eachcase is handled in a timely manner.Our coverage areas span across the US inareas of higher population. Please contact us to submit a referralor if you have a question about coverage.Our case managers are highly skilledin workers' compensation and are thetop talents available in their regions.