Nullmax was founded in Silicon Valley, USA in 2016 and headquartered in Shanghai, China.As a high-tech company focusing on autonomous driving, Nullmax is dedicated to leveraging computer vision, deep learning and AI technology to provide safe, advanced and mass-produced autonomous driving solutions.With the mission to make mobility safer, more efficient, convenient and comfortable, we aspire to be a globally leading provider of autonomous driving solutions.纽劢科技2016年创立于美国硅谷,总部位于中国上海。我们是一家专注于自动驾驶领域的公司,致力于应用最先进的计算机视觉、深度学习和人工智能等技术,为世界提供安全、先进、可量产的自动驾驶解决方案。Nullmax以"让出行更加安全、高效、舒适和便捷"为使命,立志成为国际领先的自动驾驶解决方案提供商。