Downstream Consulting is based in Perth, Western Australia, specializing in studies, reviews, audits and development of technical business processes for downstream processing of minerals in the Resource Sector.Downstream Consulting will consider any project for downstream processing in the Mineral Resource Sector.No project is too small. We put the Client first.Fields of competency include:- Engineering, Project and Study Management- Technical Business Processes and Quality Systems- Technical Risk Management- Knowledge ManagementDownstream Consulting personnel have specific experience in pyro-metallurgy, hydro-metallurgy, mining and mineral processing.Downstream Consulting is able to develop multidisciplinary teams consisting of project management personnel, engineers and support staff for feasibility studies and projects. The teams are composed of Downstream Consulting's own personnel as well as highly experienced associates.Downstream Consulting offers project management services to client, contracting and consulting organizations as well other services including:- Business planning- Development of business strategies- Development of business processes- Due diligence reviews- Risk and hazard management and reviews- Business consulting- Financial analysis