RevaTis and University of Liège have developed and patented a specific procedure for the collection, production and storage of autologous muscle-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MdMSC) for immediate therapeutic use or storage for further processing. RevaTis technology is minimally invasive and offers benefits for generating a large number of autologous stem cells. Our sustainable avantages:- patents granted for obtaining pluripotent stem cells by a minimally invasive method for human and veterinary medicine- GMP production in aseptic isolator- Authorization for the production of batches in veterinary and human medicine for clinical studies or research- Accredited stem cell tissue-banksOur Market:The global market for stem cell treatments in animals has a growing rate annual average of 37.27% between 2017 and 2025 and will reach more than 200.000.000 €. In 2017, the global market for equine-level cell therapy was estimated at one third of the global market, In Human Medicine, RevaTis will focuse on the segment "Stem Cell Research and Services. This segment was $ 1,300 million in 2017 to arrive at a size estimate of market of $ 2,400 million in 2022.Our customers: In Vet Medicine, after the approval by agencies, our potential customer are the veterinarians. For Human Application, our markets include partners involved in - R&D Programs on Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy - Tissu engineering and 3D-Bio-Printing - Organ on a chip technology.In other words, all companies or Resarch Centers looking for a sourcing of large quantities of MSCs easily to transer in clinic.