Satya Special School was registered as a society in 2003. It started as a rehabilitation centre offering free services to 20 children with special needs, now has 1029 children under the umbrella. Satya started its journey with a single infrastructure, now has 7 urban centres, 3 village centres, mobility across 44 villages, 4 upcoming satellite centres, Prosthetics and Orthotics Unit and over 100 staff. Over the period years, we have reached out to over 3000 children. Each child assessed according to its individual and psychological capabilities and training provided based on their needs. The school has specialized trained staff engaged in various programs in education, early intervention, therapy, livelihoods and advocacy, ultimately aiming for the inclusion of the children with disabilities.Accredited with GuideStar PLATINUM, Satya has received numerous accolades for its work mainly, Model of Excellence for Early Childhood care, by University of Oregon, USA and World Cerebral Palsy Award, by Dasra-World Bank of America.